Pete's Log: feeling productive

Entry #569, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

So it's likely an unjustified feeling, but today's felt vaguely productive. I think the main reason for this is that I've cut the number of non-new messages in my inbox to 50 from 150. With any luck I'll cut that in half again by the end of today. I also did laundry, cleaned up the kitchen a bit, paid the electric bill, took care of several random 232 tasks, and did a good job in general of crossing out the annoying small things on my todo list. Which means, obviously, that I didn't work on any of the fun big things on my todo list. But that's ok. I think I may go shopping, the fridge is absurdly empty. I'm not entirely content with the status of things food-wise right now, there's more junk food than I could ever eat, thanks mainly to Brian's parents, and there's little food good for making simple healthy meals. So that needs fixing. is favoring us against BC. Apparently BC has lost their starting qb. The key stat for the game that gave is this: "2: Catholic schools in I-A football: these two." I guess that means there's no other interesting stats affecting this game.