Pete's Log: Sigue Sigue Sputnik ... it takes the edge off

Entry #887, (Music)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

argh. Wasted about an hour and a half dealing with the ice9 compiler. I found two new bugs. Every time I go back and look at the code I wrote last year, it looks prettier. More and more I want to write a really good ice9 compiler and give it to Dr Freeh as a gift. So now it's past 1 am and I'm just now beginning to type up my algorithms homework. oh well.

You see, it's all good. cuz music makes life worth living. In this case, Paul lent me a tape by this band called "Sigue Sigue Sputnik" ... oh my god, was it good stuff. Some odd sort of 80s rock/electronicish stuff. Very fun. Very very fun. Silly, ridiculous, and fun. But now the tape has ended. And since we're finding more evil oddities in the ice9 code, Brian and I are now playing linkin park: One Step Closer. Except Brian says he's already broken. ugh. But anyway, the point is, everyone should go listen to Sigue Sigue Sputnik. It's funny, though, I tried to listen to this tape last night and couldn't, my tape player doesn't work. I've never actually used it, I inherited it from Jeff, it came attached to the cd player I use. Tapes are now actually almost kind of foreign to me, I've become so accustomed to digital media. Interesting...