Pete's Log: ugh

Entry #841, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

Today's not been so good. Had a hard time falling asleep last night, had a worse time waking up this morning. And then I checked my email. And the day proceeded to get worse. I pretty much knew immediately that compilers was gonna make my life hellish. And there was little else to make life any better. So I played Linkin Park, really loud, on my drive in and figured I'd just go with the whole anger theme for today. I've not done that in a while. So I went to algorithms, which was good, it may have inspired a log entry to come, we'll see. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon dealing with compilers. Answering questions and discovering bugs in the code. Ugh. But I did at one point buy and consume an entire pint of ben and jerrys ice cream, as a therapeutic sorta thing. Then at 5:30 an acm meeting. Interesting event. Had chinese food. Then freeciv in the cad/cam lab. Now it's time to look for bigger fun...