Pete's Log: i don't practice santeria

Entry #820, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

i ain't got no crystal ball...

midnight trip to meijer: all mission objectives succeed. Woo. Bought a large bag of apples, which makes me happy. Bought some darg german beer, which I'm hoping will be an effective insomnia cure. haha. Bought a pair of shoes for 22 dollars.

Dr Uhran talked to me after class again today. He handed me the shade reference manual and asked me to learn shade so I could help him teach the class about shade (apparently he's not used it in previous years) ... well, I was able to tell him that 1. I knew shade, 2. I'd used it for the homework assignment I'd just turned in, and 3. I had the reference manual. Cuz I kick ass. So this should be interesting...

bw3's tonight was a fun time. the trivia was evil. we didn't do well. but we had a decent turnout, including two new sophomores Tony dragged along. The mean age at bw3's keeps getting younger, and what with me being the only grad student regularly attending, it's definitely not quite the same crowd it used to be, but it's still fun. I sent out today's bw3s email in german (with a brief translation that didn't do the german any justice) and got quite a few responses to that. apparently people here prefer I communicate in english. whatever.