Pete's Log: mmmm.... reggae...

Entry #629, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

listening to reggae, getting into a groove. About to begin a major shell coding session. play de reggae, smoke de blunts, code de shell. ya man.

I'm having a difficult time resisting the temptation of car webpages. I've been wasting a lot of time at and I should check out dodge. Right now I'm considering a chevy silverado and a ford f-150. I actually gave in and looked at compact pickups. But I doubt those will become serious candidates. first of all, they're not what I want. Second of all, by the time you throw in 4WD and all that, they're almost as much as a real truck. So screw that.

classes are over, break is here. Today: code all afternoon. Rest of break: watch lots of football. And sleep. I've not gotten enough of that of late.