Pete's Log: chow mein, bike grips, numerical, and tv blackouts

Entry #499, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 22 years old.)

I have rediscovered one of my favorite snack foods: chow mein noodles. I used to eat a lot of those in high school but haven't had any in a long time. They're good. Of course, eating half a cup of them will increase your cholesterol by at least 10%, but that's ok. it tastes good.

i really like my new handle bar grips. they've proven to be better than the ones they replaced (and not only because they're not falling apart like the previous ones were) ... they give amazingly good grip. i could probably dip my hands in grease and still be able to get a good grip on these things. it's the little things in life that make me happy.

i've managed to complete about half the numerical that's due on wednesday, which isn't bad. i've still got this evening and tomorrow. i'm trying to enforce a tv blackout so that i actually get things done. today i did fairly well, i only turned on the tv for half an hour to watch sailor moon. the reason for all this is that i spent all of last night watching the history channel. i love the history channel... but it's a true productivity killer.

we just discovered a leftover egg roll in the microwave. i remember putting one in a couple days ago, but i thought i ate it. apparently not. that's kinda amusing. tacos for dinner. mmmmm... tacos....