Pete's Log: I'm a wandering Pete

Entry #1639, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 30 years old.)

I went without contacts all day yesterday. When I went to brush my teeth last night, it wasn't until I had put in both contacts and was about to leave the bathroom again, that I realized I had failed to reach my objective. I've got absentminded down to an art form.

I bought a pedometer last weekend. I walked 17324 steps the first day I had it. The second day I was above 12000 steps when I broke it.

On the evening of the third day, I managed to fix it. But I now no longer wear it while playing Ultimate. Not counting Ultimate, I average more than 10000 steps a day, which is more than I expected. On my way to work I take about 1800 steps, so generally by the time I'm at my desk in the morning, I've done over 2000.

In 18 days I fly to Dublin. I'm very excited about this.

Tonight I take the train to Ludwigshafen. I am less excited about this.

I got summoned for Jury Duty in Gunnison County again. I sent them an email asking to be excused due to being out of the country. I wonder if I could coordinate with them to summon me the next time I'm in Colorado on vacation. That might be fun.

This entry posted from the DB Lounge at Munich Hauptbahnhof.