Pete's Log: FRA

Entry #1632, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 30 years old.)

Last week was a touch stressful. So when I had a few minutes to spare while in the terminal at Frankfurt International Airport, I watched the departures board.

In Terminal 1 at least, the Frankfurt airport has resisted putting up fancy monitors for their departure board and still has the one with the shuffling letters. (Here's a picture (that I didn't take))

I remember this departure board from frequent(ish) visits to FRA in my youth, and decided that if I didn't take the time to watch for the big reshuffle, then I wasn't alive anymore. So I waited. It doesn't reshuffle every time a flight gets taken off. Instead, that flight just shuffles to blank. Once a significant amount of blank space opens up, the entire board reshuffles to consolidate and append new flights to the end.

After about five minutes, I was rewarded for my patience. The entire board reshuffled, and I felt oddly satisfied.

I was at the Frankfurt airport on Monday and Friday last week. On Monday I noticed large signs everywhere with information on the "Mexiko-Grippe" -- the Mexican Flu. I was amused and thought of taking a picture, but didn't.

Friday those signs were gone. In their place were nearly identical signs, but they no longer identified it as the Mexican Flu. Instead, it was now "the new Flu" in German and "Swine Flu" in English and Spanish.

I have thirteen postponed log entries hanging around right now. I need to get better at finishing what I start.