Pete's Log: Toastmaster Pete

Entry #1463, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 28 years old.)

I'm actually kinda doing alright with that whole goals thing. I ought to set some more!

I attended a meeting tonight of the Munich Toastmasters. I felt welcome and enjoyed myself despite not really participating. So I joined the club members at a bar afterwards and signed up.

Best of all, I'm already on the calendar to give my first speech on June 5. It's an "ice-breaking" speech, so I just have to talk about myself for 4-6 minutes. I ought to be able to handle that. I like me. :)

Oh, and one of the members will be going to ND soon to work on a Masters in Electrical Engineering. He's German, so I'll have to make sure I get him properly indoctrinated into American Football before he goes.