Pete's Log: ouchy

Entry #1371, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 26 years old.)

I got my first Jiu Jitsu injury last night. I was sparring with another white belt who is better than I am. I was trying to pass his guard from a standing position, so I swept his legs to the side and tried to get around. Well, he was quicker than I anticipated in getting his legs back into position, so as I was moving to pass, my mouth collided with his foot. In simpler terms, I got kicked in the face. No serious damage, but my lip got cut, so there was blood. Now the thing I'm proud of is that I kept going, because despite the kick in the face, I had successfully passed his guard and got the side mount. The other guy made me stop, though, to check for damage. It wasn't until then that I actually noticed the blood. So that's my thrilling story.

The exciting thing is that I'm finally starting to feel like I'm improving. I've still got a long way to go, but my balance is definitely improving, and I'm doing fewer dumb things, like exposing my arms or turning my back.

So I've been reading lately about how employees have been getting in trouble for writing negative things in their blogs about their employers. So I figure I need to join in this trend: when one logs into Concord's intranet portal, there is a checkbox that says "remember me", which does not work. No matter what browser or OS I use, the portal never remembers me, I always have to relogin when I go there. It really annoys me. There, I said it. Actually, work is pretty exciting lately. Good things are happening.

OK, I'm going to see if I can find people to show off my injured lip to.