Pete's Log: bla bla bla

Entry #1290, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 23 years old.)

It has been brought to my attention that during World War II, our government spent a couple million researching the possibility of attaching incindiary devices to bats and unloading the poor beasties over Japan.

With that in mind, I find myself yearning for a sense of normality. "But Pete," y'all is thinking, "you're the most normal person I know!" Well, I got a confession. Looking back over just about all of 2002, I can't think of any moment that felt particularly normal. Fun as the extensive periods of time I spent outside of Indiana were, they were not normal. And the times between trips were odd enough themselves. And living with Megan has yet to feel normal.

I suspect I've changed quite a lot this past half year. Grown up some and all that. I'm surprised, really, at how much I look forward to next semester. I'll have a schedule to stick to, responsibilities to a classful of young minds. It will be more difficult to run off on all the impulsive little trips I've been prone to. I don't feel some need to 'settle down,' so don't y'all worry 'bout me getting weak or nothing. I just want a break from chaos. Routine sounds like a fun change of scenery.

I'm tired. My brain kept me awake and worrying for most of last night. It seems like all the time I spent not asleep was good, though. Things seem to be somewhat more resolved. Right now I need to start getting paid. If I felt financially secure, things would probably improve a bunch.

Don't forget: Pete loves all of you. Now maybe if I could just get myself to sit down and write some code ...