Pete's Log: blah blah what?

Entry #1207, (Life in General)
(posted when I was 23 years old.)

So instead of going to sleep at midnight like I told myself I would, I began harassing the internet again. I came across an article earlier today about "googlewhacking," a game of sorts in which you type queries into google consisting of two words, with the hope that there will be only one match. An interesting idea, if nothing else. I've been playing a similar game of recent in which I put together a few terms that result in slightly more matches. I then visit any personal homepages returned in the search results. It entertains me.

A few links away from one of my searches tonight I found myself at, which offers little topics with which to begin writing diary entries. Well, I browsed through several of these and found most of them uninteresting until I came upon one question. At first I dismissed it as well, but I thought some more about it as I looked at other uninteresting sparks. The question is, if you had to lose one of them, which of your senses would you give up? And even though I still think it's a silly question, I've found myself unable to decide ...

I definitely know I don't want to give up hearing. And I feel almost as certain about touch. The problem with smell and taste is that they both affect how food tastes. Ack. I think I'd probably have to go with smell, despite the effect it'd have on taste. But who knows ...