Pete's Log: huh?

Entry #1204, (Random Crap)
(posted when I was 23 years old.)

According to some German cgi script, which calculated my punkness based on my answers to questions I only mostly understood due to use of some German slang I was unfamiliar with, I am 70.5% punk.

According to some lame-ass American test, I am hardcore. But what do they know? Cuz really, I ain't nothin but a poser.

All's I know is that I've listened to my MEST cd more times today than the average american will in their lifetime.

Oh, and that while I feel perfectly comfortable spelling poorly on purpose, an unintentional typo in the previous paragraph made me feel very uncomfortable. So I KILLED it!

Be optimistic, but always keep in mind the worst case scenario. Or something something something something.